Take the first bite of RAW photography

I want to start using RAW files to for my digital photos. RAW files contain more information about the photograph than JPEG files. It leads to higher quality images.
There is so much information stored in a RAW file about that moment in time when the photo was taken, it also portends that, in some respects, there are no limits, there are just barriers to perception.
RAW photography will be the hallmark of 2024 for KCJ.
Find the RAW light
The idea today is to find the light in the city's image by capturing patches of dirt dappled sunlight on the December cityscape.
The day is clear and dry. Glorious winter sun sparkles on a ogrish office block with all its windows ripped out like 15 floors of broken teeth scowl down over the down town area. It gobbles light.

Photo magazines
I invested in photo magazines and apps. I like the niche, there's enough passion, creativity, science, tradition, tacticool.
The best magazines are coherent because they are hand crafted by experts.
The whole experience of photography improves by learning to be a better techniques so as part of that I'm learning to use RAW for the first time.

Fix it in post
The point is, RAW image files makes it more likely to create quality images with just the right amount of energy expended. RAW files are much more forgiving. Photographers benefit from using RAW in particular.

Summary of RAW tyger test
The future is RAW. It is the best way to make better images. The intrinsic challenges are not prohibitive. The benefits of using RAW are better quality high resolution images with better color and lighting information making it much more likely to get a high quality image in street photography. Use good apps to fasttrack the whole experience.